> Hearing Aids
ENT Doctor in Greater Kansas City
Styles of Hearing Aids
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RIC (Receiver in Canal)
A Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aid consists of a small casing that sits behind the ear, connected to the ear canal by a thin wire or tubing. The receiver, which contains the speaker and amplifier components, is placed directly in the ear canal. This design allows for a more open and natural sound experience, as well as improved comfort. These units offer benefits for sound quality due to the microphone sitting outside the ear canal.

BTE (Behind the Ear)
A Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aid sits comfortably behind the ear. It consists of two main components that are connected by a tiny tube or wire. One piece of the aid hooks behind the ear and encloses a microphone that is adept at recognizing and capturing speech. The tiny tube or wire is linked to a receiver that sits inside the ear, much like some of the other smaller models.
BTE hearing aids are versatile and can be suitable for a wide range of hearing loss levels, from mild to profound. They are known for their durability, ease of use, and the ability to accommodate various features, such as directional microphones, telecoils, and wireless connectivity.

ITC (In the Canal)
An In-the-Canal (ITC) hearing aid is custom-fitted and designed to fit partially or entirely within the ear canal. ITC hearing aids are smaller than Behind-the-Ear (BTE) models and sit in the lower portion of the outer ear. Volume and memory controls can be included in these units, and the batteries are quite small requiring regular replacement.
Hearing aid brands

Questions about hearing aid fits or brands? Simply ask our team for more information.